Varghese Paul


Software Engineer - Data Scientist - NLP



Semantic Similarity


Sentiment Analysis


Convolutional NN & Reccurant NN


Linear Regression


Spam Classification


FastText Classification

About - Varghese Paul

Am a Data Science Practitioner with 6 years of experience predominantly worked on NLP related Usecases. I believe, we can use Artificial Intelligence to Solve Problems and find insights which cannot be solved using traditional Programming Space. Using the Power of AI Algorithms in Data Intensive Projects Combined with Cloud Computing can be highly rewarding with the right resources and skillsets.

Python , SQL , MongoDB , SpaCy, TensorFlow , Keras , PyTorch , Fast Text , GenSim, nltk , scikit-learn , numpy , pandas , Jupyter Notebook , VS Code , Exploratory Data Analysis, Data Visualization and Tool Development for POC.

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